Some photo highlights followed by a Flickr set
Genetically Evolved Technology, keep your eyes out for Luke Bawazar
![Luke Bawazer TEDx Warwick 2013 #TEDxWarwick](
all of us incredibly indebted to Lucy Hooberman for kickstarting this
![TEDx Warwick 2013 #TEDxWarwick](
Fabian's photographic art will change how you see the world
![Fabian Oefner TEDx Warwick 2013 #TEDxWarwick](
Bob Bishop has pretty much been involved with every technological development ever and that's no exaggeration ;) I had some great chats with him
![TEDx Warwick 2013 #TEDxWarwick](
My photo highlight from the day, Derek Paravicini is simply extraordinary
![TEDx Warwick 2013 #TEDxWarwick](
A real treat to see Sir Philip Craven and to chat with him about things he really didn't expect someone at this event to know :)
![TEDx Warwick 2013 #TEDxWarwick](
a lovely end to the day, such a great team
![TEDx Warwick 2013 #TEDxWarwick](