
I've been tweeting recently that I have written a radical new piece about Lance Armstrong. A few people are still helping me find the right home for it, but here's an opportunity to read it before it's published. If you'd like to receive it, then please do the following.

1. Use your Twitter account to tweet 'I'm about to read @andymiah on #LanceArmstrong'

2. Email me at email@andymiah.net with 'Lance Armstrong' in the subject header.

3. Once you've read it, please don't share the contents. If you like it, or hate it, then you are certainly encouraged to say so publicly, but I don't want to kill the publication by its contents being shared before it's out, so I'd be grateful if you kept the secret.

I really hope you enjoy the piece.

Best wishes,


PS. the wristband broke in 2005. It was clearly trying to tell me something :)