People, Place, Enterprise:A conference on the Olympic Legacy Uni of Greenwich, May 2008.

People, Place, Enterprise:  A conference on the Olympic Legacy    1 Welcome    1 Professor Les Johnson, Head of the Business School, University of Greenwich    1 Opening address    1 Baroness Blackstone, Vice Chancellor of the University of Greenwich    1 Keynote: Dr Kerry Brown, Associate fellow of the Asia Programme, Royal Institute of International affairs (Chatham House) –     The impact of Beijing 2008 on China’s international image    2 10.55:     Keynote: Professor John Gold, Oxford Brookes University and Maggie Gold, London Metropolitan University  Olympic Cities – A historical perspective    3 11:10     Keynote:    3 The further and higher education legacy of the 2012 games    3 Kate Potter, Head of Unit, PODIUM    3 Panel question and answer session    4 Legacies of Torino 2006 for the Olympic Movement    4 Peirvincenzo Bondonio and Alfredo Mela    4 Lessons to be learned from 2006 Winter Olympic Games in Torino: how to monitor public opinion    4 Chito Guala    4 The Big Owe: Politics and the fincancica management of the montreal 1976 Olympic Games    5 Peter Viachos, Uni. Greenwich    5 Expectations of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games    6 Pedro Moreira, Inst. Tourism Studs, Macau SR, PR China    6

Thursday 8th May 2008 Time    Session    Title 9.30 – 10.15:    Registration and coffee 10.15: Welcome Professor Les Johnson, Head of the Business School, University of Greenwich 10:30: Opening address Baroness Blackstone, Vice Chancellor of the University of Greenwich CO-Chair PODIUM


Keynote: Dr Kerry Brown, Associate fellow of the Asia Programme, Royal Institute of International affairs (Chatham House) –     The impact of Beijing 2008 on China’s international image

Gloomy experience working with china Modernize with western models Peoples rep founded in 1949, first Games in 1984 1993 – bid for Sydney only non-democracy in top 10 countries in world economic model -    infrastructure in Mao’s period -    life expectancy in 1949 45, in Mao’s period 65.

$3.2b economy biggest trading economy world’s third largest economy

not a knowl economy

in 2006, 88% of china’s high tech exports made by others

25% of pollution in California, traced to China Shanghai water supply falling dramatically

WWF 2007 – if china lived at west standards, then in terms of energy and resource, whole of world’s resources would be used up in 2032

Beijing is depleted environment


James King ‘china is energy hungry country’

70% of energy from coal transport infrastructure for this poor and from small mines

6% from Sudan

Beijing does not have infrastructure to deliver green games -    not adequate water or transport -

Nobel Prize Fever – campaign to get prize in china

Dalai lama won peace prize

£20b infrastructure for Olympics

10.55:     Keynote: Professor John Gold, Oxford Brookes University and Maggie Gold, London Metropolitan University     Olympic Cities – A historical perspective

rome 1960 -    first city to incorporate into strategic plan

turin and Vancouver promised longer cultural festival

by 1990s, more explicit use of word legacy

tangible and intangible

future of legacy has it run its course?

Global impact study



-    ethical v pragmatic -    local – national – international -    tangible – intangible -    talking about legacy – managing legacy

11:10     Keynote:

The further and higher education legacy of the 2012 games Kate Potter, Head of Unit, PODIUM

Gareth Smith, Deputy Director PODIUM

London Higher – vision Now HEFCE/LSC Next, bus plan for opportunities

65% of Team GB in Athens were from HE Sector

11.25 Panel question and answer session

Gillian Ridgley, British Library: what is importance of conserving legacy?

11.45    Refreshments 12.00    Presentation sessions A choice from: Learning from experience or Education and skills

Legacies of Torino 2006 for the Olympic Movement Peirvincenzo Bondonio and Alfredo Mela

Met in Torino for conference

Lessons to be learned from 2006 Winter Olympic Games in Torino: how to monitor public opinion Chito Guala (with Edigio Ansero)

survey on public opinion


surveys and polls


other research - economic - urban regen - comm. Media image - international represn of city - urban planning and enviro - rebuild local identity - improv social capital

unexpected cultural change in torino

unexpected optimism for the future – from people in torino

62% went to ‘white nights’ – notte bianco during the games

The Big Owe: Politics and the fincancica management of the montreal 1976 Olympic Games Peter Viachos, Uni. Greenwich

Montreal Olympics logo cf kris krug Vancouver protest logo

Republic of china name not permitted for Taiwan during this games IOC did not recog People’s Republic of China until late 1976 - so some political protest

focus today on local politics

‘The Big Woe’ – clip online from CBC - Olympic stadium plan – music from 2001: space odyssey – futuristic plans

English speaking Montrealers called stadium ‘The Big O’ but due to financial crisis, which plagued city for 3 decades, called it the ‘Big Woe’ or better yet ‘Big Owe’

Likened big O to a toilet bowl – flushing money down it


Estimated CAD 310m, final cost CAD 2b, Stadium was overrun (est CAD140m, final CAD1.5b) Deificit financed by lottery and taxes (tobacco)

ME: was there ever a turning point for how politicians spoke about these figures? Ie.

Who was responsible for this?

My theoretical background – Weber – charismatic leadership – patriarchical feudalism

Duncan Black – public choice model – indiv politial actors -    self interested

Jean Drapeau – Mayor of Montreal -    from 1954 to 1957 -    1960-1986 -    quiet revolution, modernization -    brought trade unions forward -    one of main architects of Expo 67 -    new metro in montreal -    stood up to terrorists FLQ -    father was insurance broker, mother retired opera singer -    how sell to separatists? o    Told that any opposition was an Anglo-Phone plot o    told English speakers that if don’t back Olympics, separatists will split -    cross between Walt Disney and Al Capone -    quoted ‘at time…thought Olympics could lose money, as much as a man can have a baby’ -    had not prepared a financial presentation, rested on oratory. -    Vision not about money, but working together and IOC believed him.

Rober Taillibert – Architect -    estimated London as £15b -    no open tender for buildings -    French -    Considered himself a master builder – poetry with cement -    Aesthetics and vision over practicality

Check CBC Olympic archives

Who will pay? -    Atkinson (2008) – Urban Studies journal – average London resident willing to pay £22 per year for next XX years

Robert Bourassa – Premier of Quebec -    stepped in -    Fed gov not underwrite Olympics

Pierr Trudeau – Prime Minister -    why didn’t he assist -    he had his own problems -    minority gov from 1970-2 -    inflation sky rocketing -    stamps, coins and lottery solution

other player was COJO – OCOG -    It developed a surplus, of CAD223m

Expectations of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Pedro Moreira, Inst. Tourism Studs, Macau SR, PR China

China international Tourism Arrivals 1990-2004 WTO Substantial increase

13.30    Buffet lunch for delegates 14:30    Keynote:  Mike Weed, Professor of Sport in Society, Canterbury Christchurch University    Olympic tourism 14:50    Keynote: Dr Andy Miah, University of the West of Scotland     New Media Legacies for the 2012 Olympic & Paralympic Games

15:10    Refreshments 15:30    Choice from: Workshop: Tour East London Or: Workshop: World Heritage site education committee Will there be a sustainable tourism legacy from London 2012?

Olympic learning partnerships 16:45    Closing note 18:00-21:00    Evening reception, including food drinks and music

Friday 9th May 2008

Time    Session    Title 09:15 – 10:15    Registration 10:30    Welcome 10:40    Keynote:

The Olympic legacy for Greenwich Cllr Chris Roberts, Leader of Greenwich Council

Millennium Dome -    focus on legacy -    do not get distracted -    ignore the media

Legacy -    300 acres of polluted land decontaminated -    2 primar school -    world’s most successful music venue in less than one year yacht club

For Olympics -    Ignore the Games!

Bidding legacy -    eg. Manchester metro on back of Olympic bids

Legacy – 17 key tasks

Regeneration games Prof. Graeme Evans, London Metropolitan University

10:55    Keynote: Dr Beatriz Garcia, Liverpool University    The cultural legacy of the Olympics: the symbolic dimension of the games as a basis for long term sustinability 11:10    Keynote:

Rethinking the Cultural Olympiad Alex Homfray, consultant and coordinator of the London Cultural Consortium

11:25    Panel question and answer session 11:45    Refreshments 12:25    Presentation session

Looking forward to 2012

13:45    Buffet lunch for delegates 14:45    Keynote: Janet Trench, Investment Manager for East London, The Housing Corporation     The sustainable housing and community legacy of 2012 15:00    Keynote: Melanie Smith, Corvinus University, Budapest    Caught between two flagships: developing a more people-centred approach to cultural regeneration 15:15    Showing of ‘The Games’ dir. Hilary Powell    Including an introduction by the director 15:40    Panel question and answer session 16:00    Conference close

Presentation sessions Thursday 8th May

Learning from experience

Piervincenzo Bondonio and Alfredo Mela, University of Turin – Legacies of Torino 2006 for the Olympic movement

Chito Guala, University of Torino, Italy – Lesson to be learnt from the 2006 Winter Olympic Games in Torino

Peter Vlachos, University of Greenwich – The Big Owe:  Politics and the financial management of the Montreal 1976 Olympic Games

Pedro Moreira, Institute for Tourism Studies, Macau SAR, PR China – Expectations of the Beijing 2008 Olympic games

Education and skills

Dr Paul Donward (Loughborough University), Dr Geoff Nichols (Sheffield University), Rita Ralston (Manchester Metropolitan University) & Dr John Schulz (University of Southampton) – Developing the volunteering legacy of the Olympics

Charles Bladen, University of Greenwich - Satisfying the Future Volunteer Demands of the UK Events Industry: Fostering Olympic Volunteer Egoism to Develop a Legacy of Repeat Volunteering

The Creative Way – life long learning , the creative industries and 2012

Presentation session Friday 9th May

Looking forward

Dr Ian Brittain, University of Bedfordshire – The London 2012 Paralympic games

Nikki MacLeod and James Kennell, University of Greenwich – Assessing the impacts of the Cultural Olympiad

Petros Ieromonachou, (University of Greenwich), Stephen Potter (Open University) and James Warren (Open University) – The ground transport legacy of the London Olympics

Patrick McGurk and Eva E. Tsahuridu, University of Greenwich – London 2012: Lives transformed?
