Clubs consider genetic tests(2005, Jun 21) The Age, by Ashley Porter

To my knowledge, this is the frist report of sports clubs actually using genetic tests to select and rain athletes, though the details of such use and the subsequent reaction to this was vague, as is indicated from this extract: Mr Gale said such testing was contrary to United Nations privacy laws and other international treaties.

"What if a young superstar gets DNA tested, shows he has a chance of developing a crippling illness by the time he is 35, and is ignored in the draft? And should the club tell him?

"There is no doubt players would be denied a chance to play AFL football if their DNA results indicated there was a possibility of (their) not being as strong or as fast as the next player in line. It would be in breach of every equal opportunity law."

AFL spokesman Patrick Keane said DNA testing was something it would need to refer to its medical officer and medical commissioner. "We have not had an official inquiry (from any club) at this stage," he said.:
